Thursday, April 29, 2010

Take Back the Night


As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, SHA is teaming up with TBTN for a rally and protest that takes place across the country! Please join us in taking a stand against sexual abuse and assault.

Activities include a rally, guest speakers (SHA!), protests and a speak out.

Two locations: Lincoln Park and the Loop

Meet at 4:45 outside of the Student Center to participate in the Lincoln Park activities
Meet at 6:00 on the 11th floor gallery of the DePaul Center to participate in the Loop activities

We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting the word out

Thanks to the DePaulia, SHA is getting some recognition!

We're happy that the school newspaper is noticing the importance of sexual health education at DePaul and what we're doing to promote it. The paper highlights DePaul's embarrassing ranking as LAST on Trogan's assessment of sexual health information and resources. It also underscores the need for more to be done on campus.

"The thing that we really need students to know is that we really need their voices heard in order to convince the administration that change should happen. Unless students come forward and say that this is important to them, unfortunately, the school feels no reason to change things."
-SHA's staff member, Alicia Oeser

"We want to make sex and sexual health an ongoing discussion at DePaul. We don't want it to just be a one-time thing or event, we want it to always be talked about and the importance of it to be stressed"
-SHA's president, Stephanie DeLacy

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Get Yourself Tested!

MTV's GYT campaign
is in full swing this month to promote STI awareness and the importance of getting tested.

It is recommended to get an STI screening every 6 months for sexually active people

Here are some local resources for STI testing:
Center on Halstead
- rapid HIV testing (free)

Broadway Youth Center
*Free services for youth under 24
- syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia testing
- rapid HIV test (oral swab)
- STI treatment

Chicago Women's Health Center
*Services provided on a sliding scale
- STI screening

Feel free to contact SHA for further questions on why to go, where to go and how to stay safe

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What is Consent?

And, to promote awareness on campus, SHA is doing a campaign to spread the word about consent and what it means to students. Today was our first day having a table in the student center and we got a great response! Look for our "Consent is ______" signs on campus.

Beginning the conversation about consent is a good way to open up communication about sexual assault and how to prevent violence against women. We would love to hear what you have to say. SHA tables will be in the student center this week and next week, so feel free to stop by and share your opinions.